Friday, 28 November 2008
Thursday, 27 November 2008
Final Project
The following is the final collection for Colour Analysis. I am studying Marc Jacobs' brand and colour choices, so here is the collection of my design for Marc Jacobs' brand with my choice of colours. The following fashion illustration includes day wear and also evening wear for women.

The next thing I would like to show is the basic colour family of my collection.

Colour Analysis Report
The brand chosen for colour analysis previously was Marc Jacobs. Therefore I have design a Fall/Winter 2009 women RTW collection for Marc Jacobs with my own choices in colours. I am going to explain my reasons for choosing below.
Group conclusion in Marc Jacobs’ colours:
(1) More hues are used for recent year
(2) Achromatic colors: black, white and grey must be present in each season's collection
(3) A simple combination is adopted. For each outfit, the no. of colour is usually not more than 3.
(4) MJ likes to use artificial colours.
(5) MJ uses colours of high saturation every season, but the amount decreases in recent seasons.
(6) Spring and Fall colours are related. The colours used in Fall/Winter collection are usually the colours of spring collection in a lower value (with shade).
(7) There is a trend that MJ tends to use colours in lower values.
(8) MJ loves lavender, violet, brilliant red, turquoise, and yellowish brown, khaki. They almost appear in every collection. BLACK, WHITE, GREY are the must.
Base on the group analysis, I have use both white and black for the achromatic area. Each outfit contains 3 colours, (expect the accessories) and they are all artificial colours. Within those 6 colours, deep blue, dark turquoise and deep red are used. They are all colours in low value and have appeared in Spring/Summer 09 collection with higher value. As Marc Jacobs tends to use colours in lower value, only yellow and white are in high value. The six colours come from different hues and the turquoise & the deep blue with a little bit violet are tertiary colours in the colour wheel.
For the style, Marc Jacobs like to design garments with layers recently. Because of this I try to design outfits which contain layers like the left 2 and right 1 in the picture. This enables the colours to merge as the top layer is opaque and the outfit will have more colours visually although only 3 colours are used. Moreover, Marc Jacobs always produce works made of fabric that been through different fabric treatment. These fabrics have special texture and give audience kinds of visual effect under light sources and the effects change due to the wearers’ movement. In my illustration, although each fabric are coloured by only 1 colour, there are some stripes with a little darker or lighter colours. These effects are to express the texture effect to the colours but not the pattern. Marc Jacobs rarely use pattern in his collection. He has only used symmetric geometric patterns and checks in 2 collections throughout these years.
The next topic I would like to introduce is the theme of my women collection of Fall/Winter 2009. In these years, feminine is always one of the topic of Marc Jacobs and he does a very outstanding job in this. One of my measures to maintain this in my collection, in a rather restrained style, is using one of Marc Jacobs and my favourite colour, deep brilliant red. Just like dress, skirt and handbags, they are all musts in his runway shows. For the main theme of my topic, that is “New City”. The idea comes from the motherland for Marc Jacobs, New York. This is the place where he was raised, where he studied and worked. This place has changed in ways because of development and global issues. It is one of the metropolises for United States and due to the economic situation and the positioning of the whole country, and also the international environment issue, it is going through a great change. Revolution in the values is occurring among New Yorkers. On the other hands, it is said that Marc Jacobs seems to miss U.S. based on his features in the last collection.
I chose some of the artificial colours that Marc Jacobs likes to use in his collection to present this metropolis, like the deep violet-liked blue, shinny orange-liked yellow and dark turquoise. The two deep colours represent the crowd city with cold tall buildings that make great shadows on the city under sun light. The shinny orange-liked yellow is representing a bright new future of the city and it is a colour that can be said as artificial and natural colours. Large proportion are coloured in this so as to cheer those metropolitans up and hoping the natural sunlight, which represent the natural environment, can shine through the whole city. To create the shinning and eye-catching effect, I try to use white of yellow for about half to one-third in one outfit and contrast to the low value colours. This should also create a highlight-spot to the garment.
Previous Try:
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
Final Pro consideration 02
It is because I think that the newest issue that attract the whole world's attention is global warming and technology. However, the speaker said that great white and others are more inportant for the 08-09 trend.
I will give both my colour family and collection design a second thought... ... bit teh deadline is so close that I don't even know should I change my decision... ...
Monday, 24 November 2008
Thursday, 20 November 2008
Final Pro consideration
I collected some recent product datas from my friends and magazine. But most of them are talking about Marc jacobs' footwear and bags, whose colours are very different from Marc Jacobs' RTW garment collection.
Basing on the conclusion of our group seems to be the only thing I got. Moreover, trying to design clothing like Marc Jacobs is a huge problem for me. Although I have seen lots of his works (thanks to the long group analysis period), my design style and statement is very different from him.
Besides, the proportion of colours of Marc Jacobs' works is still a maze for our group. The only thing we can conclude is that he will only use 2 to 3 colours in the same set. No pattern can be seen obviously about proportion of colours.
I have try to draw different colour family, but if one colour of the family is slightly different, the whole family colours will seem odd. After testing and disscussion with classmates in other group, I have develop some basic colour families. But as the collection design is not finished, I cannot try out the effect at all. I am quite nervous at this moment.
Thursday, 6 November 2008
04 30 Combinations of Colours
The following are the five combination I like the most.

Sunday, 2 November 2008
Marc Jacobs - Colour Wheel Analysis
It is clealy that Marc Jacobs likes the colours in red and blue hues. Those colours are near to primary colours but there are always slight differences. Colours are getting richer as the later collections are designed. Sharp and dark greens are rarely used in collections.However pastel green often appear in other fashion products of Marc Jacobss.
From Group Mate: Kasa
Wednesday, 29 October 2008
03 Theme Board
Other then the colours design, it's the matter of time...orz
However, I have done the theme board first as I have other uses of it, too.

As the theme is running water, blue and green hues are used mainly. Sharp colours are also used to provide sense of freshness.
02 Colour collections
Here is the first collection. (Before listening to the theories)
Here is the latter one. (After listening to the theories of colour boxs)

Sunday, 26 October 2008
Marc Jacobs - Conclusions
(2) Achromatic colors : black, white and grey must be present in each season's collection
(3) A simple combination is adopted. for each outfit,the no. of colour is usually not more than 3.
(4) MJ likes to use artificial colors.
(5) MJ uses colors of high saturation every season, but the amount decreases in recent seasons.
(6) Spring and Fall colors are related. the colors used in Fall collection are usually the colors of spring collection in a lower value (with shade).
(7) There is a trend that MJ tends to use colors in lower values.
(8) MJ loves lavender , violet, brilliant red, turquoise, yellowish brown, khaki. they almost appear in every collection. BLACK, WHITE, GREY are the must.
Marc Jacobs - S/s 2007
In order to make the colours combination more presentable, Marc Jacobs painted the runway in a awn green way just like mint candies. The fresh and sharp colour bring out the blur light and peace image even when the collections has not yet shown on the stage.
Here are the collection's photos:
Saturday, 25 October 2008
Colour Wheel Analysis of Collections

It is clealy that Marc Jacobs likes the colours in red and blue hues. Those colours are near to primary colours but there are always slight differences. Colours are getting richer as the later collections are designed. Sharp and dark greens are rarely used in collections.However pastel green often appear in other fashion products of Marc Jacobss.
Marc Jacob - Collection S/S + F/W 2008
some of the colors like turquoise, lavender and pale pink are repeated used,
this kind of colors give a feeling of softness, comfort and femininity.
khaki are often used, too.
the color of the 2 collections are quite similar actually.
except that in the F/W collection there are some metallic colors.
one more pointed noted is that, marc jacobs displays the color of the same hue but different values in the same outfits. and throughout the collection, hue of different values and intensities are used in the outfits, usually in a small portion, decorating a black majority. violet and turquoise are mostly used.
From Group Mate: Sandra
Marc Jacobs - Comparison with competitor
Shocking Red, Shocking Pink, Sharp Orange, Sharp Purple , dark Turquoise, yellowish-khaki , black, white
fabrics : Satin, Fur, Silk
comparison : both of the collection involved a lot of black and white, while grey is the color that Jacobs always love. MJ still sticked to the pastel colors while CD tried some sharp colors.
Christian Dior 2008 S/S
Color used: Shocking red, pastel turquoise, khaki, brown, shocking orange, black, white
fabric: silk, satin
pattern: leopard skin, zebra skin
comparison: both of MJ and CD use pastel colors in soft fabrics to create a feminine soft figure.
it seemed that pastel color and soft figure was the trend of the season.
From Group Mate: Sandra
Friday, 24 October 2008
Marc Jacobs - F/W 2003
The inspiration of this collection is punk rock, with overt references to the sixties space-age. The colours, orange, blue, beige, white, pink, violet, and red really give people a strong visual splashing effect. Orange, blue and white is a non-original combination conducts a space-age feeling and makes people imagine a space shuttle which made of artifical materials. Moreover, the smash of colours is even more serious to highlight the theme of punk rock.
Comparing to the S/s2003 collection, the values of colours are relatively higher to give a warm and solid feeling to wearers.
Here are the collections and their main colour board:
Main Colour Board

Thursday, 23 October 2008
Marc Jacobs - S/S 2003
To conduct dramatic contrast, colours are well-chosen, too. For example, soft pink, lavender, pale yellow, orange, chartreuse, and ivory are chosen for under boxy jackets and sexy camisole tops. For even greater contrast, soft, airy fabrics are used to against dense ribbed ottoman, nubby, and others.
Comparing this collection with the F/W 2003 one, there are many simular main colours, like light grey & dark grey, black & white, and light purple.
If the 2 collection are compared to the F/W 2007, it is clear that Marc Jacobs still use those main colours in the latter collection and add more colours from different hues, like those from red hue.
The following are the pieces in collection S/S 2003 and the main colours board:
Main Colours Board

Monday, 20 October 2008
Marc Jacobs - FW 2007 03
Here are some more colours picked up in the collections.
And the last one is the Main Colour Board of the whole collection.
Marc Jacobs - 2008 F/W
just like the S/S collection, black are often used with grey in various shade.
grey in different shade in one outfit creates layering in a subtle way. an image of formality, simplicity and elegance is moulded.
but even if the majority is grey or black, MJ added bright colors to accessories and shoes.
the outfit is thus more playful.
apart from pastel colors, metallic colors are also used.golden and silver color, some mixed with a bit of brown dark blue and grey, make the costume shiny and spendid.
Thursday, 16 October 2008
Marc Jacobs - FW 2007 02
It is said that Marc Jacobs is a innovative designer who always gave you something unexpected. On the contrary, this collection was so "safe" and contained less eye-catching designs.
Video from
Marc Jacobs - Experience Background 03
Perry Eills is a famous brand in America from mid-1970s. It started as a fashionable sportswear house and then launched sportswear, womenswear and menswear. The chief designer Perry Eills himself was called as "the ideal American sportswear designer of the time " because of the clean-cut yet casual style. Its Menswear Collection was widely successful, and marked by "non-traditional, modern classics". That is how he created the "new classics".
Perry Eills may be one of the factors for the strong American feeling in Marc Jacobs' collection. The simple cutting and using only few colours in a set of clothing are both characters of Perry Eills and Marc Jacobs.
For Louis Vuitton, not to mention its supreme fame in fashion industry, is a French luxury fashion and leather goods brand. It was admired as the most counterfeited contemporary classics by mature ladies all around the world for years. Its pale-brown and continuous pattern can be easily recognised.
Louis Vuitton has been the classics from france to the whole world. Its brand image is elegant, luxury and feeling of understated. It seems that Marc Jacobs wanted to create classics in a new and novelty forms. In his recent collection, he talked about elegant and noble. Moreover, he was fame for gaving 50s to 70s classics reborn!
The colours of Marc Jacobs are either monochromatic or have eye-catching effects, but none of them cause any uncomfortable or unpleasant visual images. That is how classics work with colours.
Marc Jabcobs Fall 2007 Runway Show - Fashion Indie
Reference: wikipedia
Marc Jacobs - F/W 2007 01
This time, he has chosen to bring 70s back on stage again. Those hats, long coats, ribbed sweaters, trousers with loose stirrups and last but mot least, the jumpsuits, were fancy stuffs of that time. However, when they were in the multi-colours and matching the super-slim silhouette, new images were emerged.
According to Nicole Phelps, Marc Jacobs said that the collection is a reflection of his personal life and feeling, called it restraint. Therefore, sharp colours are less and the proportion of black & grey increased. Those sharp colours in the collections were all tertiary colours in the red and the yellow hues. There are mainly orange, dark red, dark purple and yellowish orange.
Following are part of the collection. The main colour being used are picked out.
Photos :
Saturday, 11 October 2008
Marc Jacobs - Experience Background 02
During his school life in Parsons, he designed and sold his first line of hand-knit sweaters. He also designed his first collection for Reuben Thomas, Inc. After graduation, he worked as a designer in Perry Ellis. Obviously, this label has great impact towards his career and fashion concept. He has launched the famous "grunge" collection in those days. It leaded to his dismissal in 1993.
He opened Jacobs Duffy Designs Inc. with Robert Duffy, which is a famous design company till nowadays.
In 1989, Jacobs and Duffy joined the women's design unit of Tristan Russo as Vice President and President, respectively.
In 1997, Jacobs was appointed Creative Director of luxury French fashion house, Louis Vuitton, where he created the company's first ready-to-wear line and has worked till today.
These precious experience in working with those prominent brands affects his design elements and choosing of colours. Therefore, I am going to study it in latter articles
Marc Jacobs - Experience background 01
Novelty colours are used and rubber caps are added to the veteran shoes. There are both artificial colours and natural colour, pale green, in the collection. They creates sense of comfort and light. This is quite different from the formal feeling of Marc Jacobs ready-to-wear.

Thursday, 9 October 2008
Marc Jacobs - Decade Background
1960s was also known as the decade of he new, exciting, radical, and subversive events and trends, including fashion culture. Drugs also became popular among youths, especially for show biz. Pop, rock, reggae, soul and blues music developed rapidly. This period of time gave Marc Jacobs a nice foundation to absorb novelty fashion concepts and add these elements in those classic products.
For 1970s to 1980s, they was probably the most influential period to Marc Jacobs, as he was a teenager and absorbed a lot from the surroundings.
1970s was still in the complex years and hippies culture continued. Besides that, the whole Western countries experienced an economic recession and the living standard of people dropped. That may give us a clue that why Marc Jacorbs has great interest in the 40s' and 50s' fashion trends, comparing to the items in his decade.
In 40s and 50s, World War II affected the whole world in economy, culture and social aspects. Dark colours and stand sleeves always appeared in western fashion to create a military and safe feeling. Moreover, to create sense of uniformity, regular forms, balance in both structures and colours are emphasized. For balance in colour, Split complementary color scheme and Tetradic (double complementary) color scheme were prefered.
These key elements appears in Marc Jacobs 2009 S/S collection with Marc Jacobs' own modifications, mainly in cutting and styles of usages. For colours, he seems to like using Split complementary colour scheme with different in shade and value.
Here are some examples below.
Dark Colours

1/2 proportion & contrasting colours

Photos: (groupmate)
Sunday, 5 October 2008
Marc Jacobs - Geographic background
In that time, NY has already been a well-developed central city for a long time. It was also an international metropolitan. Even for Teaneck, it is a suburb of NY with about 39,260 population.
His school life was also in High School of Art and Design and Parsons School of Design, NY. The former is quite famous for its Fashion department which located prominently in the heart of the city's Garment District in midtown.
The economy of US was already affecting nations internationally, and the city was developing extremely fast. The society was so wealthy and capable to all kinds of luxury goods. That gave great opportunities for different fashion styles.
Spending most of his life in NY obviously helped him to develop his sense in both fashion and colours. For example, those exposures of different cultures and fashion styles helped him to use different colours even in his early days. Moreover, urbanization in NY has affected his choice of colours. He seems to be interested in using tertiary colours and colours in high tone. Till now, in the recent collection, he still use a lot of these colours and create a feeling of urban and artificial classic.
Here are some photos of Marc Jacobs' recent collection:

Photos-Marc Jacobs
Tuesday, 23 September 2008
02 Burberry Advertistment

This is one of the interesting advertistments of Burberry. The Flag of UK is painted in white and gold, instead of white, blue and red.
It has implied the "Principle of Novelty". According to "Color The Secret Influence", new and unexpected combination will draw attention to itself and make the entire composition more pleasing and harmonious. This creates a great advertistment effect.
Monday, 15 September 2008
01 Burberry Checks
Accoring to our dearest tutor, there is a formular of producing the beautiful checks of Burberry. There are some successful products produced from it.

This is a wool scarf of Burberry. It is mainly gray. The colours of dark gray, light gray(like yellow), red form beautiful checks. They are all low in chroma.

The Second one is a F/W08 over shoulder bag. It is mainly beign in colour and has gray and brown to form checks. They are also low in chroma and low in value. The colours are from red, blue and yellow hues.

The final product is a F/W08 clutch bag. It has 3 types of checks: classic brown checks, popular red checks in last year and the black checks.
They are all relatively low in chroma and most of them comes from the red hue. There are some tints and also dull colours. The colours of Burberry checks using tints for the background colours and use low chroma colours from different hues to form checks... ... is that the formula?
Original product images from:
01 Fullmoon can
Our family has bought some ice-mooncakes from Maxims. All of them are completely white in colour, which are extremely easy to mix up.
As I remember, BGW are colours, but have no identifiable hue. Without hue different maybe the main reasons leads to easy to max up... ... maybe?
The aluminum can of the cakes is relatively low value. Although the colours are from different hue (Red, Yellow, Green, Blue), they are not sharp and form a nice harmony. Well, harmony plays an important role in the festival, right?
The colours are tints and looks good on the web. However, the colours looks a bit dull in the real product as below.
Photo taken
After adjusting the level to normal, I found out it is actually the light problem. I recalled that it is call "Satuation", the colours changes as light situation changes.
Actually, there is still different between the colours on web and in my photos. The values are higher in the latter.
Thursday, 11 September 2008
I would like to celebrate that blog is set up as a stylish start for a new semester.
It is so cool to say that I have a lablog in the same site as Ronny Tong.
Besides I have to say "Good Job" to myself, as I have made the whole blog in a "monochrome way" x "grayscale".
Therefore, our dearest tutor and other friendly colleagues may not able to tease my choice of colours.
PS: I should start the the next assignment post by analysing Burrberry's charming pink checks or... criticizing the shocking pink handkerchief of Ronny's friend?